Exactly 10 digits or exactly 8 digits. No spaces or hyphens.
Letters and numbers only, no spaces.
If the vehicle is pulling a trailer, make sure to record the registration plate details for the vehicle, not the trailer.
Begin typing or select from drop down to choose from list of vehicle makes.
Enter street name, address or intersection. For example: 120 Elizabeth St, George St near Smith Parade or crossing Smith Bridge.
Limit 50 characters. Special characters not allowed.
Include any additional information in the “additional details” field below.
Begin typing or select from drop down to choose from list of suburbs.
If you have any additional information describing the driver, vehicle, location or pollution incident, please enter those details here.
I understand that the EPA will act on the information I have provided and confirm that, to the best of my knowledge, it is accurate.
Please note: giving false or misleading information is a serious offence.
Report submission in progress...
Only exhaust / muffler noise will be actioned by EPA.
This form is for noise from vehicle exhaust only. For all other types of noise, please contact the Environment Line on 131 555.