Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 779
Annual Return Start: 01 Feb 2019
Annual Return End: 31 Jan 2020
Date Received: 31 Mar 2020
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3.6 Exceedance of the upper pH limit at EPL Point 7. S.58 notice issued to change/amend licence conditions(s) 7
L1.1 Lime softening slurry overboarded from a pipeline before traveling overland along a drainage line Penalty Notice issued 1
Various alleged A hole in the ‘B’ Ravensworth Fly Ash Pipeline resulted in the release of slurry, consisting of fly ash suspended in water, which ran to ground and entered a depression within the dry bed of Bayswater Creek (Event). EPA investigating. Non-compliance(s) under investigation 1