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Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
01 Jan 2012
Annual Return End:
31 Dec 2012
Date Received:
26 Feb 2013
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Breach of M2.3 due to accessibility issues. Water sampling carried out at water monitoring point downstream of sample points. Provided contractor with procedures to be followed in the event of site access issues. EPA has written to licensee.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
Limit exceeded for Iron in September 2012. No apparent cause. Continued to monitor results. Follow-up investigation to review water monitoring results.
S.58 notice being negotiated to change licence conditions(s)
Breach of M2.2; 6 dust deposition gauges exposed outside the standard on various occasions due to accessibility issues; 1 sample broken in transit; significant rainfall prevented access to 2 gauges. EPA has written to licensee.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee