Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 761
Annual Return Start: 01 Jul 2021
Annual Return End: 30 Jun 2022
Date Received: 23 Aug 2022
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3.8 The concentration of copper in water samples collected from the cooling water outlet canal (EPA ID22) exceeded the licence concentration limit of 0.005mg/L. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 2
L3.8 The concentration of iron in a water sample collected from the outlet canal (EPA22) exceeded the licence concentration limit of 0.3mg/l. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 1
O3.1 The EPA issued Delta a warning letter on 14 February 2022 regarding dust issues on the ash dam. Strong winds caused airborne dust on an isolated section of pond 5A of the Vales Point ash dam on two occasions in October 2021. EPA action determined as part of scheduled inspection program 2