Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 758
Annual Return Start: 01 Jan 2002
Annual Return End: 31 Dec 2002
Date Received: 03 Mar 2003
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L1.3 4 exceedences TSS limit to point 5. However, the actual location of sample is in the Water line #2 N/A N/A
L1.3 3 exceedences of pH limit to discharged to point 5. However, the actual location of sample is in the Water line #1 N/A N/A
M2.1 Failed to monitor POINT 2 in accordance with monitoring frequence. Misinterpretation of intent and requirement of licence N/A N/A
L3.3 Exceed Oil and Grease limit Waterline #2 N/A N/A