Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 758
Annual Return Start: 01 Jan 2003
Annual Return End: 31 Dec 2003
Date Received: 27 Feb 2004
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3 Three exceedences for discharge outside pH limits POINT 2 N/A N/A
L3 pH exceedence of 8.14 from POINT2 N/A N/A
L3 Three exceedences for discharge outside conductivity limits POINT 2 N/A N/A
L4 Two exceedences of volume limit from Point 4 - treated effluent irrigation N/A N/A
M2.1 POINT 4 not monitored for oil and grease on one occassion - 16/1/04 N/A N/A
L3 POINT 4 exceedence of 40mg/L - 30/7/03 N/A N/A
L3 POINT 4 - two exceedences for BOD 120 and 70 mg/L 25/9 and 18/12/03 N/A N/A
L3 POINT 8 exceedence 11 mg/L on 13/3/03 N/A N/A
L3 POINT 8 exceedence of 157 and 74 mg/L on 25/9 and 23/10/03 N/A N/A
M2 POINT 10 discharge point not sampled on 23/10 - 20/11 and 18/12/03 N/A N/A