Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 5927
Annual Return Start: 13 Oct 2015
Annual Return End: 12 Oct 2016
Date Received: 07 Dec 2016
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
R 4.3 Total Organic Carbon (TOC) has exceeded the threshold value of 79 mg/L at monitoring point 2 (MW4) on the monitoring event on the 24/03/2016 when a TOC concentration of 81.6 mg/L was recorded. EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1
R 4.3 Potassium has exceeded the threshold value of 48 mg/L at monitoring point 5 (MW5) on the monitoring event on the 3/12/2015 and 16/06/2016 when concentrations of 50.5 mg/L and 59.5 mg/L respectively were recorded. EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 2
R 4.3 Ammonia and Nitrate have exceeded the threshold values of 2.8 mg/L and 0.07 mg/L respectively at monitoring point 2 (MW4) on the monitoring events 3/12/15, 24/3, 16/6 and 15/9/16. EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 4