Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 563
Annual Return Start: 20 Jul 1999
Annual Return End: 19 Jul 2000
Date Received: 13 Sep 2000
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L3.3 The limit condition for Total Suspended Solids was exceeded. The TSS reading was 148mg/L which is above the limit of 120mg/L. N/A N/A
L3.3 The limit condition for Total Suspended Solids was exceeded. The TSS reading was 163mg/L which is above the limit of 120mg/L. N/A N/A
L6.2 A blast registered 121.58dB(L) at a monitoring point near a non-mine owned residence. N/A N/A