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Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
22 Feb 2008
Annual Return End:
21 Feb 2009
Date Received:
23 Apr 2009
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Compliance with condition L9.1 cannot be confirmed as no flow data was available for the Williams River at Dungog on two days of the year due to the logger being out of service.
EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition
Samples were not taken on two occasions during discharge events. On one occasion samples not taken for safety reasons. The other occasion was a short duration discharge that was missed.
EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition
Due to misinterpretation of the sampling requirements the required oil and grease sampling was not undertaken as is required for the calculation of loads. Other sampling was undertaken as required.
EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition