Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 398
Annual Return Start: 01 Dec 2000
Annual Return End: 30 Nov 2001
Date Received: 21 Jan 2002
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M6.1 Point 1 Manual flow meter recording missed until automatic metering installed and commissioned. PINed for this in 2001 annual return N/A N/A
M6.1 Point 2 Manual flow meter recording missed until automatic metering installed and commissioned. PINed for this in 2001 annual return N/A N/A
L4.1 Point 1 - exceedence of volume limit on 2 occasions due to increased flows into STP - two automatic alarms now set in place and repairs and improvements to bath house sources N/A N/A
L4.1 Point 2 - pH exceedence on single occasion of 8.6. N/A N/A