Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 3957
Annual Return Start: 01 Jan 2014
Annual Return End: 31 Dec 2014
Date Received: 27 Feb 2015
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
Sch 5:37 Approach drainage not correctly in place. Remedial work undertaken and silt fence cleaned to mitigate adverse effects. Correct installation of geotextile to ensure water doesnt bypass sediment control structures to prevent recurrance EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 3
Sch5:13 Road drainage outlets installed in areas with disturbed soil due to poor practice with installation. Seeded stabilised the outlets to mitigate adverse effects. A report was compiled for discussion with the Roading supervisors EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 6
Sch 5:59 Disturbed soils around fill above relief pipes not stabilised due to dry weather. Reseeded the area and monitored the sites for effectiveness of stabilisation techniques EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1