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Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
01 Jul 2010
Annual Return End:
30 Jun 2011
Date Received:
09 Sep 2011
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Uncontrolled & directed sewage overflows during dry weather due to chokes caused by tree roots/debris/broken or leaking sewer lines/pipes. Clean-up undertaken & receiving water quality tested. CCTV, sewer pipe cleaning, repair &/or relining.
Non-compliance(s) under investigation
Samples not collected on scheduled sampling day due to equipment malfunctions and power failures. Samples collected next day. Repairs undertaken. Backup battery reprogrammed for autosampler.
EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition
Overflow to waters from sewage pumping station in dry weather due to power failure. Affected areas cleaned & cleared. Water quality monitoring undertaken.
EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition
Unable to demonstrate improvement to environmental performance due to exceedance of odour complaints benchmark indicator (condition O5.2b) and wet weather overflows benchmark (condition 5.2c).
EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition
Malabar system's predicted wet weather partial treatment discharges frequency for its Malabar, Glenfield & Fairfield STPs exceeded each of its performance benchmarks. Modelled performance has been compared to actual performance for 2010/11.
PRP to address non-compliance(s) issued