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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
PRP 307: Wet Weather Overflow Pollution Reduction Program
Start date:
01 Jul 2020
Licence Condition
PRP 307.1: Wet Weather Overflow Pollution Reduction Program – Improvement Period 2020 - 2024 a) The objective of the wet weather overflow abatement pollution reduction program (PRP) for the improvement period of 1 July 2020 - 30 June 2024 is to reduce the impact of wet weather overflows across the licensee’s four major coastal reticulation systems by requiring the licensee to undertake abatement works at prioritised sites to achieve the improvement level as specified in PRP 307.1b). b) The improvement level and completion date for PRP 307.1 as required by condition L7.3c) is: Improvement Level: 60 Points Completion Date: 30 June 2024 c) Compliance with the improvement level at PRP 307.1. condition b) must be achieved in accordance with the EPA document titled Regulatory Measure For Reducing Wet Weather Overflows From Sydney Water Corporation’s Four Coastal Systems For 2020-2024 [Reference number DOC20/2000676] and be based on abatement works undertaken on relevantly prioritised wet weather overflow sites prioritised as per the Sydney Water document titled Risk Assessment Process: Wet Weather Overflow Program [Reference number D0001657] on the following sewer systems: • EPL No. 372 (Southern Suburbs) • EPL No. 378 (Northern Suburbs) • EPL No. 1688 (Bondi) • EPL No. 1728 (Cronulla)
PRP 307.2: Wet Weather Overflow Pollution Reduction Program – Improvement Period 2024 – 2030 a) The objective of the wet weather overflow abatement pollution reduction program (PRP) for the improvement period of 1 July 2024 - 30 June 2030 is to reduce the impact of wet weather overflows across the licensee’s four major coastal reticulation systems by requiring the licensee to undertake abatement works at prioritised sites to achieve the improvement level as specified in PRP 307.2b). b) The improvement level and completion date for PRP 307.2 as required by condition L7.3c) is: Improvement Level: Implement a wet weather overflow abatement program which is designed to achieve the objective of a 6% reduction in the total cumulative wet weather overflow volume of ‘Category 1’ prioritised wet weather overflow sites from the following sewer systems: · EPL No. 372 (Southern Suburbs) · EPL No. 378 (Northern Suburbs) · EPL No. 1688 (Bondi) · EPL No. 1728 (Cronulla) Completion Date: 30 June 2030 c) Compliance with the improvement level at PRP 307.2. condition b) must be achieved based on abatement works undertaken on ‘Category 1’ prioritised wet weather overflow sites prioritised as per the Sydney Water document titled 2024-2028 WWOA Prioritisation Methodology: Process Report [Reference number SW 121 04/22, D0002152] d) By 28 February 2024, the licensee must submit a draft program plan to the EPA which is designed to achieve the Improvement Level for PRP 307.2. The program plan must include (but not be limited to): · a description of the abatement works, including (but not needing to be limited to): a description of the types of works; the areas to be abated; and the scale/amount of works to be implemented. · the rationale for the abatement works, including (but not needing to be limited to) justification for the selection of: the types of works; the areas to be abated; and the scale/amount of works to be implemented. · an estimated breakdown of the schedule of works for each financial year in the period 2024-2030. · the estimated costs of the works for each financial year in the period 2024-2030. e) The licensee must finalise the draft program plan by addressing any written comments provided by the EPA and resubmit it to the EPA in writing within eight weeks of receiving such comments.