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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Pollution Study: Preliminary assessment of potential impacts of wet weather overflows at Foreshores Beach
Start date:
27 Jun 2017
Licence Condition
The objective of this Pollution Study is to implement a monitoring program to verify the frequency and volume of wet weather overflows that impact Foreshores Beach.
The licensee must develop a draft project plan for the Pollution Study that allows the licensee to meet the objective stated in U7.1. The project plan must clearly outline (and provide justification for): The project background and scope; The data and information required to verify the volume and frequency of overflows to Foreshores Beach, including identification of the applicable overflow points; The methodology, including proposed location of gauging stations; and The timeframes for the tasks required to complete this Pollution Study . The licensee must submit the draft project plan to the EPA within two months of this Pollution Study being issued.
The licensee must finalise the project plan by addressing any written comments provided by the EPA and resubmit it to the EPA for approval within three weeks of receiving such comments.
The licensee must undertake the investigation in accordance with the objective outlined in U7.1 and the methodology and timelines in the EPA approved project plan (or any revisions to the project plan approved by the EPA in writing) and submit a detailed draft report on the investigation to the EPA by 30 June 2019, which must include (but may not be limited to): An introduction and background; Description of methodologies used; Results of the investigation; Detailed analysis and discussion of results. (this section should identify any critical knowledge and further work required to understand the level of risk to the environment and human health); and Conclusions, including recommendations for how this information may assist Sydney Water with its masterplan for the Southern and Western Suburbs Ocean Outfall Sewer.
The licensee must finalise the draft report by addressing any written comments provided by the EPA and resubmit it to the EPA within four weeks of receiving such comments.
In addition to the reporting requirements of condition R5.6, the licensee must submit with each Annual System Performance Report: Details of any investigations, plans, works and activities that were undertaken as part of this Pollution study during the reporting period; and An outline of progress toward achieving the objectives of this Pollution Study.