Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 3141
Annual Return Start: 30 Nov 2003
Annual Return End: 29 Nov 2004
Date Received: 25 Jan 2005
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M2.1 Monitoring Point 1. Two samples were not collected due to mechanical difficulty with samplers--incompatible equipment between two suppliers. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 2
M4.2 (b) Licensee failed to record the nature of complaints made. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
M2.1 Monitoring point 2. Seven TSP samples were not collected from 21/1/04 to 26/2/04 at HVAS (Warkworth School) due to power failure of the unit . Appropriate Action taken by licensee 7