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Licences, applications and notices search
Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
30 Nov 2003
Annual Return End:
29 Nov 2004
Date Received:
25 Jan 2005
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Monitoring Point 1. Two samples were not collected due to mechanical difficulty with samplers--incompatible equipment between two suppliers.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
M4.2 (b)
Licensee failed to record the nature of complaints made.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
Monitoring point 2. Seven TSP samples were not collected from 21/1/04 to 26/2/04 at HVAS (Warkworth School) due to power failure of the unit .
Appropriate Action taken by licensee