Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 2863
Title: Pollution Reduction Study (PRS) 7 - Investigate sludge lagoon operations and water quality
Start date: 24 Oct 2017
Licence Condition
Background The EPA considers it appropriate to set limits for the discharge from each of the sludge lagoons on-site.  However no historical water quality data exists for the sludge lagoon “stopboard pits”. Accordingly, this PRS is about obtaining representative data that can be used to inform appropriate limits for licence discharge points 1 and 2.                                                                                                                                   Additionally, the affect of stormwater on monitoring data results at the stormwater culvert on the north side of Wade St (Point 3) is not fully understood. Additional monitoring data is required for discharges from both sludge lagoons. Note that each of the lagoons is sequentially on-line for approximately 12 months. To obtain a representative data set, data needs to be collected over 2 years to allow for a complete cycle of each lagoon being “on-line”. Deliverables The licensee must undertake a monitoring program incorporating monitoring results obtained under licence condition M2, as a minimum, for a period of at least 24 months.  Two reports are to be produced including analysis of the results of monitoring. An interim report is to be provided to the EPA at the completion of the 12 month monitoring program for the first sludge lagoon monitored, and a final report with details of both lagoon monitoring programs.  Microsoft excel data for all results are to be provided with each report. The licensee must provide the reports to the Director Hunter, or PO Box 488G, Newcastle NSW 2300 by no later than 4 weeks after the completion of the monitoring program for each lagoon, with the final report submitted no later than 30 June 2020.  The licensee should propose and justify appropriate and achievable limits for Points 1 and 2 as part of the final report Note: It is the EPA’s intention to include aluminium, chlorine, fluoride, pH and total suspended solids concentration limits to licence points 1 and 2 upon completion of this study.