Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 2652
Annual Return Start: 12 Jan 2021
Annual Return End: 11 Jan 2022
Date Received: 08 Mar 2022
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
E1.3 Hourly volume discharge rate was exceeded on 6 x one hour occasions. N/A 6
M11.1 EPL point 16 was not monitored at the location specified in the Licence due to no authorisation from resident/land owner to access the property. N/A 3
M2.4 Failed to sample EPL point 3 (Bowmans Creek Upstream) in accordance with M2.4 due to unsafe access to area caused by localised flooding. N/A 3
M2.3; M8.1; M10 The HRSTS monitoring unit failed to continuously record data (including conductivity, turbidity and flow rate) on one occasion. N/A 1
M2.2 SX45G1 and SX45G2 sustained power outages resulting in failure to continuously monitor. Data Capture SX45G1 = 92.1%, Data Capture SX45G2 = 99.7%. N/A 30