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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Pollution Reduction Study 11 - Investigation into Inundation of Sewage Infrastructure in Charmhaven STP Reticulation System
Start date:
16 Oct 2021
Licence Condition
Background Ongoing population growth as well as stormwater infiltration due to increased frequency and duration of significant storm events has the potential to lead to increasing inflows to the Charmhaven STP. This has the potential to lead to the need for the plant to process volumes in excess of its design capacity. A number of programs are being investigated and planned for implementation to ensure that the plant has the ongoing capacity to manage increasing inflow volumes in line with the predicted population growth. These programs include: ensuring adequate storage during wet weather events; improved effluent processing; and enhanced pumping capacity, as well as maintenance of the reticulation system. The catchment contains a number of challenging environments and factors including low-lying areas subject to inundation as well as low-density residential properties spread across a large area. The intent of this PRS is to ensure the program is focused on mitigative actions that will be most effective in minimising stormwater infiltration and subsequently maximise the efficiency and capacity of the system. Deliverables The licensee must conduct a study and prepare a report into all sewage pump stations (SPS) within the Charmhaven reticulation system that have been identified as problematic during significant rainfall events. The report must investigate low lying property overflow relief gullies, illegal stormwater connections, and leaking Council assets. A report must be provided to the EPA providing, but not limited to, the following details: A map showing and describing the relevant SPS that the licensee has identified as a risk of inundation during rainfall events. A list of all low-lying property overflow relief gullies, illegal stormwater connections (where identified) and any leaking Council assets. The height in AHD of the identified SPS against recent floodwater heights (denoted in AHD). A risk based assessment detailing priority remedial works of all identified SPS prone to inundation during rainfall events in the Charmhaven reticulation system. A risk based assessment detailing priority remedial works to address low lying property overflow relief gullies, illegal stormwater connections and leaking Council assets. A scope of works including commencement and completion timelines for all identified remedial works identified in the risk-based assessment of identified SPS, low lying property overflow relief gullies, illegal stormwater connections and leaking Council assets.The licensee must provide the report to the EPA's Director - Metropolitan North at RegOps.MetroNorth@epa.nsw.gov.au by no later than 5pm, Tuesday 30 June 2026.