Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program


Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs

Licence number: 2647
Title: Pollution Reduction Study 10 – Investigations into the Optimisation and Future Unit Operations at the Toukley STP
Start date: 09 Sep 2021
Licence Condition
The Licensee must provide a report to the EPA on the actions taken to optimise Toukley STP at least every 6 months until all relevant works are completed (nominally being the first Friday in April and October). The first report must be provided to the EPA before 5pm Friday 4 October 2024. The report must be provided in writing to:
Central Coast Council (CCC) has provided a report (Response to Pollution Reduction Study 10) to the EPA detailing actions it can take to optimise Toukley sewage treatment plant (STP) operations. The EPA has reviewed the report and approves CCC carrying out the recommended works to improve the overall efficiency of Toukley STP.
The Licensee must provide a report to the EPA on the actions taken in relation to the investigation of upgrading Toukley STP, taking into consideration the current design of the STP and effluent quality needs of the receiving environment. The report must be provided to the EPA at least every 6 months (nominally being the first Friday in April and October) until all relevant works are completed. The report must be provided in writing to: The EPA understand that this work will be conducted as part of the development of the Central Coast Water and Sewer Masterplan.