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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Pollution Reduction Program 8 - Charmhaven STP Upgrade Project
Start date:
30 Jul 2021
Licence Condition
Background The licensee has provided data to the EPA that shows the Charmhaven Sewage Treatment Plant is currently overloaded. Data provided shows the Charmhaven STP was designed for an Equivalent Population (EP) of 40,000 and is currently servicing an EP of approximately 59,000. Population projection data provided by the licensee shows that the STP can expect a population increase of over 100% by the year 2041. The licensee provided a scope of works report outlining the upgrades to be carried out to increase the Charmhaven STP to appropriate capacity. Deliverables 1. The Licensee must provide ongoing updates on the actions that the above report outlined, to be provided to the EPA in 6 monthly reports starting on 5 April 2024 until all relevant works are completed. The report must be provided in writing to info@epa.nsw.gov.au. 2. The Licensee must provide to the EPA by 5 April 2024, a project plan that provides reasonable and feasible time frames in which the works and associated final report for this PRP can be completed. The report must be provided in writing to info@epa.nsw.gov.au. The EPA intends that the time frames provided will be used to inform the final completion dates of this PRP.