Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 2509
Annual Return Start: 06 Aug 2000
Annual Return End: 05 Aug 2001
Date Received: 03 Oct 2001
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L6.1 Noise levels <45dB(A) deemed level at the most affected residential premises. Noise monitoring undertaken prior to emplacement operations commencing indicated background noise levels are greater than 45dB(A). Compliance not achievable N/A N/A
G1.1 Copy of licence not kept on site as no secure location available. Copy kept at PKC Port Kembla N/A N/A
L6.1 Monitoring program to determine background noise undertaken and completed. Reporting of results has not been finalised or submitted to EPA N/A N/A
M3.2 Monitoring for water pollutants conducted. Undertaken by non-NATA accredited laboratory. In accordance with LBL protocol 5% of water and slag samples are submitted to NATA accredited laboratory for duplicate analysis. N/A N/A
M6.1 Analysis in accordance with EPA Load Calculation Protocol - undertaken by non NATA accredited laboratory. 5% of water and slag samples are submitted to a NATA accredited laboratory for duplicate analysis N/A N/A