Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 20673
Annual Return Start: 19 Oct 2016
Annual Return End: 18 Oct 2017
Date Received: 18 Dec 2017
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
O3.1 Further dust management measures were required at the soil nail subcontractor area EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1
L1.1 Sediment laden water leaving the site on 17 February 2017 Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
M6.5 A Daily complaints report had not included a unique identification number Administrative non-compliance - licensee advised of required action 43
R2.1 Incidents on 18/2/2017 and 19/5/2017 were self reported to the EPA by email Appropriate Action taken by licensee 2
M6.5 Daily Complaints Report have been delivered late by varying amounts of time Administrative non-compliance - licensee advised of required action 5
L4.1 On Saturday worked beyond the 1pm hour and Friday beyond 6pm for half an hour EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 2
L4.2 On Sunday 30/7/17 subcontractor used equipment that made audible noise Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1
L4.6 A Delivery of Notification for night works Appropriate Action taken by licensee 3
L4.6 B Some notifications (work updates) not placed onto project website because not been through the RMS approval process Appropriate Action taken by licensee 48