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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
PRS 8 - Investigation of Collaborative Stormwater Management Improvement Works - Closed Transfer Systems
Start date:
21 Nov 2019
Licence Condition
Background Studies into Hunter River water quality have shown that whilst it has improved in recent years, more work needs to be done. Reductions in nutrient pollution to the Hunter River from licensed premises is a focus for the EPA. The licensee handles materials like fertilisers that are high in nutrients. At present plant and vehicles are used to load and transfer fertilisers and other high-nutrient materials from the premises to fertiliser storage/distribution sites (‘receiving sites’). These practices can result in spillage of high nutrient materials to hardstands and also result in track-out of high nutrient materials onto pavements at both the berth and at the receiving sites (during return vehicle trips). Deliverables The licensee must investigate the use of closed systems (rather than vehicles and heavy plant) to transfer fertilisers and any other high-nutrient materials from the premises to receiving sites and transfer facilities (a location where cargo may transfer to a receiving site) located within the Walsh Point Precinct. The Walsh Point Precinct is described on a plan titled Figure 1: Port of Newcastle Precinct Areas (Source PON GIS), provided to the EPA on 22 July 2020 as part of EPA reference DOC20/52574-3. The investigation must include, but is not limited to: a) identification of closed systems to transfer high-nutrient materials from the premises to receiving sites and transfer facilities; b) assessment of costs and benefits for each system identified in (a) above; and c) engagement between the licensee and relevant stakeholders to assess whether a closed system(s) between premises is feasible and reasonable. A report detailing the investigation, its findings, recommendations and timeframes for the implementation of any recommendations must be submitted to the EPA at hunter.region.epa.nsw.gov.au. Date for completion: 21 May 2021