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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Pollution Reduction Study (PRS) 7 - Review of Stormwater Management Improvements
Start date:
21 Nov 2019
Licence Condition
Background Studies into Hunter River water quality have shown that whilst it has improved in recent years, more work needs to be done. Reductions in nutrient pollution to the Hunter River from licensed premises is a focus for the EPA. The licensee handles materials like fertilisers that are high in nutrients. A Hunter River Estuary modelling exercise conducted by the licensee indicates that industrial discharges are not quickly flushed out to sea with the tides. The modelling indicates that the tidal cycle merely disperses and thus dilutes the pollutants rather than transporting them to the ocean and the overall load of the pollutants is largely retained in the estuary systems. It is therefore important that premises continue to reduce pollutant discharges to the Hunter River. In recent years the licensee has implemented a range of actions that should have resulted in reductions in pollutant loads to the Hunter River. The most recent proposed change is the introduction of a considerably more efficient and effective unloading crane. The aim of this Pollution Reduction Study (PRS) is to quantify the changes in loads of key nutrients over time and how actions at the premises have impacted pollutant loads. An aim of this PRS is also to identify any further improvement works or actions that could be implemented at the premises to continue to reduce pollutant loads discharged. Deliverables Following practical completion of commissioning of the unloader, the licensee must review stormwater discharge quality. The review must include, but is not limited to: a) A twelve-month stormwater discharge quality monitoring program, to be commenced following practical completion of commissioning of the unloader. b) A year by year review of stormwater quality and loads discharged from the premises since 2015 compared with the twelve-month monitoring program identified in (a) above. At a minimum the review must consider cargo handled, rainfall and nutrient discharge loads (total nitrogen, total phosphorous, ammonia). c) An explanation of any trends in stormwater discharge quality, including with reference to any infrastructure improvements completed or changed work practices implemented at the premises. A report detailing the review, its findings, recommendations for any further improvement works and timeframes for the implementation of any recommendations must be submitted to the EPA at RegOps.MetroRegulation@epa.nsw.gov.au. Date for completion: 15 months after the date of practical completion of commissioning of the unloader.