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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
PRP 2 - Stormwater Improvement Program
Start date:
01 Sep 2014
Licence Condition
The licensee must develop and implement a monitoring program to quantify the quality of stormwater discharging the first flush system installed at the premises. The monitoring program must be undertaken over a minimum period of nine months to account for seasonal variability in the type of bulk cargos handled at the premises. The monitoring program should be consistent with the sampling and analysis plan identified in the letter from Robert Carr & Associates Pty Ltd dated 21 May 2014 provided with the Licence Variation Application attached to the licensee's letter to the EPA dated 22 May 2014. A report detailing the monitoring program's results, its findings and any recommendations regarding improvements to pollution controls at the premises to ensure compliance with section 120 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997 must be provided to the EPA's Regional Manager - Hunter at PO Box 488G, Newcastle NSW 2300, or by email to hunter.region@epa.nsw.gov.au. Date for completion: 31 August 2015.
Based on the findings of above Stormwater Monitoring Program, the licensee must design, install, commission, operate and maintain an appropriate system to treat stormwater runoff from the premises to prevent the pollution of waters and meet the requirements of section 120 of the Protection of the Environment Operations Act 1997. The licensee must provide written notification regarding the completion of the improvement works to the EPA's Regional Manager - Hunter at PO Box 488G, Newcastle NSW 2300, or by email to: hunter.region@epa.nsw.gov.au. Date for completion: 31 December 2015.
The Licensee must implement and commission a real-time dust monitoring network at the premises that informs a trigger action response plan (TARP). When implementing the system, the licensee must confirm in writing to the EPA, the completion of each of the following steps (1-4) by the due date: 1. By 21 February 2025 install a network of real-time dust monitors that monitor PM10, total suspended particulates (TSP) and PM 2.5. The network must provide coverage for all sensitive receivers and must at a minimum include: one real-time dust monitor at the south west boundary of the premises one real-time dust monitor at the north west boundary of the premises to provide coverage for sensitive receivers within the Shell Cove Village 2. By 18 April 2025 trial and finalise a site-specific TARP and alert system for the real-time monitors which relies on a 15-minute averaging period to inform trigger levels. 3. By 18 April 2025 commission the real-time dust monitors and all associate systems and procedures to a fully operational status. 4. By 18 April 2025 provide to the EPA a report confirming the real-time monitors and associated systems and procedures are fully operational. The report must include details of the proposed alert system and the final version of the TARP.