Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 1671
Annual Return Start: 01 May 2019
Annual Return End: 30 Apr 2020
Date Received: 11 Jun 2020
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
L2.4 Total phosphoro On two occasions, TP limit of 1 mg/L exceeded, 90th percentile 1.06 mg/L. Monthly samples of OCT19 and Jan20 exceeded 1.0 mg/L EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 2
L2.4 pH concentratio Limit of pH 8.5 exceeded every month EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action 12
P1.2 Volume monitori Failed to monitor 20 consecutive days 10JAN20 to 29JAN20 when electronic recorder failed to record inflow Appropriate Action taken by licensee 20