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Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
01 Apr 2011
Annual Return End:
31 Mar 2012
Date Received:
01 Jun 2012
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Wet weather and system infiltration influenced sewer flows into STP resulting in by-pass from 29/2 to 3/3/2012 & on 8 March 2012.. STP augumentation is currently underway.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
Total Nitrogen Load discharged from STP exceeded annual limit caused by hydraulic load & catchment growth. New plant augumentation currently taking place. New plant processes being implemented & commissioned currently.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
BOD from plant exceeded the licence limit caused by transition period moving from original processes to incorporate digester based processes. New plant processes being introduced, trialled & commisssioned to achieve final augumentation.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee