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Licences, applications and notices search
Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
01 Apr 2010
Annual Return End:
31 Mar 2011
Date Received:
31 May 2011
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Total Nitrogen & total phosphorous loads exceeded limits. Hydraulic load, catchment growth, STP design & unrealistic limit. Variation application lodged April 2008.
Licence currently being reviewed and issue will be included in review
Wet weather events generated inflows beyond the STP capacity resulting in process bypass. Influent bypass to pond due to operator error. Treatment process failure, faulty level sensor, telemetry alarm fault & aeration process failure.
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
TSS and BOD exceeded concentration limit. De sludging of the detention pond/sludge carryover. Inter agency strategy development to desludge & monitor impacts. STP augmentation.
EPA has written to licensee regarding non-compliance and relevant action