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Licences, applications and notices search
Non-Compliance detail
Licence number:
Annual Return Start:
01 Apr 2008
Annual Return End:
31 Mar 2009
Date Received:
26 May 2009
Licence Condition number
Type of non-compliance
EPA actions
No. of times occurred
Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus loads discharged from the STP exceed the annual limits nominated (Licence Point 1).
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
The isolation of aeration ditch 2 to facilitate installation of a fring aerator resulted in a bypass of required treatment processes. Approx 1000L of screened influent was bypassed from the inlet works to the detention pond. (Licence Point 2).
Appropriate Action taken by licensee
Failure of STP operator to utilise the automated composite sampler during required monitoring (Licence Point 3).
Appropriate Action taken by licensee