Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 12894
Annual Return Start: 07 Jul 2013
Annual Return End: 06 Jul 2014
Date Received: 05 Sep 2014
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M8.1 Attended noise monitoring not conducted at all locations each 6 months, but was done 3 times in period. Scope of works for noise consultants and the Noise Management Plan has been amended to reflect requirements for monitoring . EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1
M4.1 Continuous weather data not recorded from Weather Station during entire reporting period due to intermittent equipment failure and a reprogramming error. Continuation of routine servicing. Upgrade any components or systems as required. EPA to monitor future compliance with this condition 1
M2.1 Continuous dust data not recorded from point 3 due to power outage from bushfire. The thick smoke prevented unit from working accurately. Continue routine servicing and daily inspections/checks and pay particular attention during time of bushfire. Appropriate Action taken by licensee 1