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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Targeted Noise Monitoring and Assessment Program
Start date:
01 Oct 2015
Licence Condition
The licensee must complete operator attended noise monitoring and assessment to determine compliance with the night time noise limit conditions in this licence at the residence located at 599 Roxburgh Rd, Muswellbrook, including night LAeq(15 minute) and night LA1(1 minute). All noise parameters necessary for assessment against the licence limits must be captured and permanently recorded either electronically or manually. The noise monitoring is to be undertaken by a suitably qualified and experienced person.
Noise monitoring is to be completed once every month for a minimum of 15 minutes during the night period, for a total of 12 months. The first month of monitoring is to occur during October 2015.
Weather forecasts shall be used to assess likely wind conditions and select a monitoring date that is forecast to have meteorological conditions such that the licence limits apply
Where noise monitoring results identify contribution noise levels from the licensed premises above the licence limits at 599 Roxburgh Rd, Muswellbrook,monitoring must be continued for the next three (3) fifteen minute measurement periods for assessment against the licence.
For the purposes of assessing compliance with the noise limits for the residence located at 599 Roxburgh Rd, Muswellbrook, where it can be demonstrated that direct measurements of noise at a location satisfying conditions L3.2 and L3.3 cannot be obtained due to access issues, the licensee is to undertake the measurement at, as near as is practicable, to the intersection of the driveway of 599 Roxburgh Rd and Roxburgh Road, Muswellbrook. The EPA will regard measurements undertaken at a location on Roxburgh Road that is the reasonably most closest point to the residence, as being taken at a location satisfying L3.2 and L3.3.
The licensee is to submit the results of noise monitoring to the EPA at hunter.region@epa.nsw.gov.au on a monthly basis, together with the meteorological data for the monitoring period from the Mangoola weather station, and a summary report of the 12 months of monitoring within 2 weeks of completion of the monitoring program.