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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Particulate Matter Control Best Practice Implementation – Wheel Generated Dust
Start date:
08 Mar 2013
Licence Condition
The Licensee must achieve and maintain a dust control efficiency of 80% or more on all active haul roads by 22 March 2013. Control efficiency is calculated as: CE = E (uncontrolled) - E (controlled) x 100 E (uncontrolled) Where E = the emission rate of the activity
To assess compliance with Condition U1.2, the Licensee must: measure uncontrolled and controlled haul road emissions on at least 3 occasions using a mobile dust monitoring system; continuously measure and record ‘additional site data’ including: - vehicle kilometres travelled (VKT), - material movements around the site, - KL of water to the water carts and location of use, - total and rate of rainfall, - dust suppresant usage and location of use, and - wind speed, wind direction, temperature and humidity. undertake silt content and soil moisture sampling during each mobile dust sampling occasion; and determine if a site specific relationship can be derived between the measured control efficiency, additional site data and the soil moisture and silt content levels. The measurement of uncontrolled and controlled haul road PM10 emissions must not be undertaken at times when greater than 5mm of rain has been received in the last 24 hours or 20mm of rain has been received within the previous 7 days prior to sampling.
The Licensee must submit a report to the EPA which documents the results of the assessment undertaken in accordance with Condition U1.1. The report must include an assessment of: the dust control effectiveness, the dust levels recorded, and any relationship established between control effectiveness and the additional site data. The report must be submitted by the Licensee to the Environment Protection Authority Regional Manager Hunter, at PO Box 488G, NEWCASTLE by 15 August 2014.
The report required by condition U1.3 must be made publicly available by the Licensee on the Licensee’s website by 29 August 2014.
The EPA acknowledges that in order to determine uncontrolled PM10 emissions, the section of haul road to be sampled will need to be left untreated for a period of up to 48 hours prior to the sampling taking place.