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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
Groundwater Mitigation Report
Start date:
24 Apr 2012
Licence Condition
The licensee must engage a suitibly qualified professional to prepare a report outlining proposed works that ensure that groundwater seepage from the raw water dam area is managed in an environmentally satisfactory manner and does not impact on the receiving land or waters. The report must include but need not be limited to the following; An assessment of proposed measures and works to ensure that groundwater seepage from the raw water dam area does not impact on the receiving land or waters; Dates for the commencement and completion of the proposed works, and Costings associated with the proposed works. The report must be adressed to The Regional Manager, Environment Protection Authority, PO Box 488G, Newcastle 2300 and be received by no later than 5:00PM, 18 May 2012.
The Licensee must prepare a 'Pollution Incident Response Management Plan' (PIRMP) that complies with Part 5.7A of the POEO Act (1997) in relation to the activity to which the licence relates. The PIRMP must be in the form required by the 'Regulations' and include the following: - the procedures to be followed by the holder of the relevant environment protection licence, or the occupier of the relevant premises, in notifying a pollution incident to: (i) the owners or occupiers of premises in the vicinity of the premises to which the environment protection licence or the direction under section 153B relates, and (ii) the local authority for the area in which the premises to which the environment protection licence or the direction under section 153B relates are located and any area affected, or potentially affected, by the pollution, and (iii) any persons or authorities required to be notified by Part 5.7, - a detailed description of the action to be taken, immediately after a pollution incident, by the holder of the relevant environment protection licence, or the occupier of the relevant premises, to reduce or control any pollution, - the procedures to be followed for co-ordinating, with the authorities or persons that have been notified, any action taken in combating the pollution caused by the incident and, in particular, the persons through whom all communications are to be made, - any other matter required by the regulations, including 'Keeping of Plan', 'Testing of Plan', and 'Implementation of Plan'’