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Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction program
Licence conditions for pollution studies and reduction programs
Licence number:
EIP 5 - Train Condition Exception Reporting
Start date:
01 Dec 2016
Licence Condition
The licensee must report to the appropriate load point and the EPA within 7 days of becoming aware of any trains arriving at the premises that are loaded in a manner that is likely to contribute to spillage of coal within the rail corridor that is not trivial. Examples of conditions that are likely to contribute to spillage of coal in the rail corridor that are not trivial are provided in the document "Coal Train EIP - Exception Conditions to be Reported" (EPA reference DOC16/574111). The licensee must record the train's identifying details and loaded condition as a 'Train Condition Exception Report'. . The licensee must implement appropriate systems, agreed with the EPA, for monitoring trains. . The licensee and EPA will further review the results of the Train Condition Exception Reporting Program in Q4 of 2017. At this time, the licensee and EPA will determine if the Program needs to continue past 30 November 2017. . This condition will cease to have effect on 30 November 2017, unless otherwise agreed with by the EPA.