Non-Compliance detail

Licence number: 11205
Annual Return Start: 03 May 2014
Annual Return End: 02 May 2015
Date Received: 30 Jun 2015
Licence Condition numberType of non-complianceEPA actionsNo. of times occurred
M2 Monitoring at points 23,24,26-31 was not completed during reporting period as the consultant undertaking the work was not available, and points not installed. Monitoring will be scheduled to ensure timely completion for the next reporting period. Non-compliance(s) under investigation 1
M4 The weather station did not have a temperature sensor at 10m above grade or a solar radiation sensor. Controller unit for weather station requires upgrading. Dongwha is currently upgrading the weather station. Non-compliance(s) under investigation 1
R4 Noise compliance assessment report was not submitted to EPA within 30 days of the completion of annual monitoring. Due to remote location of site and time required to analyse data, meeting the 30 day timeframe is considered difficult. Non-compliance(s) under investigation 1
L4 Noise criteria exceeded at 2 closest receptors. See Environmental Noise Compliance Assessment. Non-compliance(s) under investigation 2