Environmental Issues
Public registers
POEO Public Register
Licences, applications and notices search
Penalty notices search
Enforceable undertakings search
Enforceable undertakings media releases
Exemptions and approvals search
Prosecutions or civil proceedings search
Terms of use: POEO public register
Licensing FAQs
List of licences
Unlicensed premises regulated by the EPA
Contaminated land record of notices
About the record of notices
List of notified sites
Tips for searching
Dangerous goods licences
Pesticide licences
Radiation licences
Public registers
Dangerous goods licences
Search for dangerous goods licences
Licence number:
Licence status:
Licence cancelled
Licence type:
Dangerous Goods Driver Licence
Dangerous Goods Vehicle Licence
Dangerous Goods Tank Design Approval
Licence holder:
Date issued:
Licence expiry date from:
Vehicle registration number:
Licence holder:
Old licence number:
Licence status:
Date issued:
Expiry date:
Licensee's date of birth:
Vehicles manufactured before 1 July 2014
Fitted with stability control:
Not fitted with stability control:
Stability control status not reported: